Maximize productivity with Pomodoro

If you are someone who is struggling to manage his time and meet deadlines. I suggest you use Pomodoro technique. It will not just help you manage time but be more productive as it improves your concentration level.
The Pomodoro technique is a proven and popular time management life hack. The main premise behind the technique is to work in blocks of time, typically 25 minutes long (called commodore sessions), followed by a 5-minute break. Each Pomodoro session should demand your full attention to one task, every break requires you to step away from your work to rest. The result is greatly improved productivity during focused work sessions that can be maintained through effectively managing distractions and taking regular breaks. (Focus Booster)

I used this technique to prepare topics of International Relations. First of all, I picked the most important topics and wrote them separately as tasks on a page. Secondly, I cleared my desk and set the study environment. Finally, I started by setting an alarm for 25 minutes and started studying for my first topic. In the first few minutes, my mind was continuously having this panic feeling that I’ve to complete theories in 25 minutes. After a few minutes, I turned off the alarm because I was feeling I can’t learn the theories in 25 minutes. So I broke my first task into two parts and set the alarm again. This time I studied with full concentration and after 25 minutes when the alarm rang, I was revising my topic. What a happy feeling! I gave myself a break of 5 minutes and set the alarm again for another 25 minutes and started the next topic. This time I completed my revision in 24 minutes and checked the alarm, few seconds remaining. Wow! So I took a break of 5 minutes, checked my mobile; bombarded with notifications. When I was checking my notifications, I lost the track of time and finally when I returned to the world of reality 12 minutes had passed. I immediately set the alarm for 25 minutes and started reading the normative theory. This time my task was completed in 26 minutes. I was now tired. So I took a pack of biscuits from my bag and ate them. Again the alarm was set and worked for another 25 minutes. Finally, it was time for a long break. Hurrah! It was time for me to write this blog. So I set the alarm for 20 minutes but as I was writing my alarm rang and I had to set it for another 10 minutes.

So this is how I use Pomodoro technique to manage my time. You can always repeat this cycle. There are some tips for a better use of this technique
1. Always plan your tasks before setting the alarms.
2. Shut down your email, social media, put your phone on do not disturb, ask colleagues to come back later.
3. After four Pomodoro sessions take a longer break, 20 minutes is recommended.
I plan to use it on a daily basis because by successfully implementing this Pomodoro technique not only I utilized my time efficiently but also it improved quality and quantity of my work. It strengthened my focus and motivation and increased my productivity. Above all, I stayed fresh and stress-free because I had completed my task.